Talk about safety

Young workers may not know what is and isn’t safe on the job unless you tell them. Encourage open communication so your workers feel comfortable asking questions about health and safety.

  • How can I reach out to young workers?

    • Develop a mentorship program. Pair up young workers with more experienced workers. Having a mentor will give the young worker a more personal introduction to the worksite.
    • Get young workers involved in making health and safety decisions at your workplace. Have a young worker position on the joint health and safety committee.
    • Provide hands on training. Tell them, show them, and involve them.
    • Encourage young workers to feel comfortable asking questions of their mentors, supervisors, managers, and co-workers.
    • Involve parents and other family members. Communicate any safety concerns in the workplace and encourage them to talk with their kids about workplace safety.
    • Identify your new workers with special hard hats, aprons, name tags etc. so everyone knows they are new to the job. Encourage your experienced workers to assist them when needed.
    • Observe young workers while they work and correct any mistakes. Suggest other ways of doing things and praise good results.